Thanks for you comments. Here are my replies.
rebecca oh said...
I think you should add in 2 people towards the end of your video. Your video will stand out (in a good way) because many others are using people in their pictures but your main characters are soft toys. By using soft toys, it gives your video an extra 'awww... so cute' factor. I also think you should remove the proposal part in your storyline if you're plaaning to focus on the heart thing. This way, the audience will be able to retain the heart thing easier becuase that's the ost important part of the video.
Hi Rebecca: thanks for the suggestion. Will focus on the heart shape and try to refine more. For the 2 people I will continue to explore and see what is best. Once again, many thanks!
jacyie huiyi. * said...
actually i thought the natural change in the lightings pretty nice as it somehow brings out a little difference and an added ambience to the whole effect..
i dunno how it'll look if the lighting on the items are casted the same throughout the entire motion.. but it'll be nice if you could try it out and finally see the differences in the outcome? (: and yes.. i like the idea of focusing on the heart as the final ending as it'll leave room for imagination.. because with the proposal ending.. it'll be like.. the ending is fixed..
just my two cents worth.. ^^
Hi Huiyi: Thanks for the comments! I see what you mean it does give an unusual visual approach for the image. Agree with the part on not fixing the ending. Thanks!
Anonymous said...
Just a comment is that will soft toys limit the ability to convey the emotion? Cos I tried something like that for NM2208 but it is a bit hard to get them to smile or have some other expression as the soft toy's expression is fixed. Just something I encountered and thought I can share with you.
Hi Anonymous:
Yeah I get what you trying to say. I will take note and that why I had the 2 main actor and actress to be part of the video now and still allow the soft toy to be there. People will start to notice there is always the same girl and guy in the video. Thanks for the helpful comment!
aline_hs said...
hi katherine, good try for the stop motion part.. i think u should try making it slower...hmm... for the difference in lighting, I'm not sure where the source of light is coming from...the light source seems to be blocked by the books... maybe you can try different places, as the casting of light intensity will differ... else will need to try adjusting it in photoshop to make all the same feel... in my most humble opinion... =)
Hello Huang Shu: Thanks! Yes will have to try different places so that I can improve and yes the video is not going to move as fast as what you see today! Accepting it with in my most humble manner =)
Devi said...
Hey Katherine, it must have taken you ages to come with that sequence! Good technique to use with the soft toys. Perhaps reduce the speed as what aline said. Other than that, looking forward to final product.
Hello Devi: Thanks! It is actually the part on taking pictures that is a trial and error thing but I really enjoy the process.
peiru said...
ya i think that if you are going to add 2 real people with the soft toy would be interesting. and i really like the storyline of how the different journeys of love would end up meeting together at the same point again.
Hi Peiru: Thank you for your kind comment!
me-myself-i said...
I think the light changes for every picture cuz the books are in the way of the light source and hence blocks off some light in every shot? I suppose if you use an area where the light source is from the top it would be better? But i'm not sure too cuz i've never tried it out. i like the stop motion. i was thinking of doing that too! :) cheers!
Hello Me-Myself-i: Thanks for the comment too. Yeah I will have to surely improve on the light source now. Taking pictures are tough!!
Mark said...Hi Mark: Thanks for the comment too. Not all will be using stop motion otherwise is going to be tedious!
hi, woah stop motion can be a pain to do though, that is if you are considering 27 frames per second.. =X but I liked the effect, and I guess it would be practical to use stop motion with those plushies too so yup, looking foward to see the final vid!
jamiechew82 said...
jus found out u are Chr's friend. Anyway.. I like stop motion. But probably soft toys can do a better job at stop motion ? For people will be funny right ?Yes but people do better at the protayal of emotions. =p
Hi Jamie: The world is so small! Haha, is possible for people to do stop motion too. I will send you a few copies and take alook! That why my idea is inspired from there.
Joon Yong said...
hi, i think the stop motion idea is great. but just a thought, would some scenes be
difficult to execute? like the train one. but it would be refreshing to see something different though. looking forward to see the final work.
Hi Joon Yong: Thanks for the comment. As mentioned to Mark, not all scenes will be using stop motion. So that I will maintain a fresh feeling throughout the video (I mean this is how I hope I can achieve!)
6.30pm deadline was so rush! I nearly missed the deadline :S :P